bibit bunga 100 Seeds, Sunflower “Crazy Mix” (10+ Varieties) Seeds by Seed Needs

100 Seeds, Sunflower “Crazy Mix” (10+ Varieties) Seeds by Seed Needs

Great deal!
I wound up with many different sunflowers starting to bloom–and quickly. Very satisfied with these seeds! You do not need to have a green thumb. Just water regularly and let Mother Nature do the rest!
benih bunga These seeds turned my black thumb green!
I love gardening, but I really suck at it. To illustrate: I have been unsuccessfully trying to grow bamboo for more than a year. But, I didn’t give up! I got these seeds, and followed the directions, and walla!! They are growing! They are currently ranging in height from one centimeter to three inches! So, if you you love to garden but have a black thumb, have no fear! These seeds really grow! It’s even my first time growing something from a seed! Happy gardening!
great results in a northeast garden
I purchased these seeds last year and was very happy with the results. I was anxious to get them going so started them indoors with my veggies and transplanted them outside once the danger of frost had passed. As it turned out, it was unnecessary as the seeds I sowed directly quickly caught the ones I had babied inside. The only advantage the ones started indoors had was protection from birds. Many survived the initial planting, but once the birds got wind of these babies, they’d eat the tender seedlings. Apparently the birds (and chipmunks?) will eat the seedlings until the second set of leaves develop. In order to combat this, I placed wire mesh over the seedings until the second leaves arrived and I was good to go. Additionally I collected seeds from many of my flowers to use this year! We’ll see how the second generation turns out!